Preschool & Pre-K
This age group is working on developing their fine and gross motor skills, gaining independence, and developing their social skills through play.
to learn about God’s love for them
to develop natural curiosity and wonder about God and the world
to shape attitudes of love and respect for self and others
to learn prayer and songs
to be responsible for behavior, classroom materials, and school routine
to learn how to share
to participate in group activities
to begin to develop relationships with others
to develop listening and speaking skills related to self-expression
to utilize play to order, generalize, and interpret experiences
to utilize thinking skills and process information
to begin to understand symbolic relationship between written and spoken forms of communication
to develop the basic math concept of number patterns
to be exposed to the concept of proceeding from concrete to the representational to the abstract
to utilize activities to develop gross motor skills
to utilize activities to develop fine motor skills
to employ these skills in cooperative outdoor play
to promote the development of coordination through specific activities
For More Information:
Shannon Barela
Preschool / Pre-K Director
408.248.1094 ext. 225